Hello All!
It's been a while sense my last post, still having a bit of writer's block but I'm working through it. :) I have such a praise report to share! Josh and I went for our 20 week ultra sound this past Tuesday and everything with little Shepard is still wonderful! I cannot express unless you have lived in my shoes, how happy and comforting it makes me feel to hear those words. The tech/nurse was the same on we had with Evangeline and I still to this day remember everything about that day. I remember her expression and her questions to me. I also remembered that I didn't ever want to see her face again. Nothing against her, just didn't want to go back. She was so sweet to us and so happy over the out come of Shepard. She would talk us through everything and she pointed and showed us all his little organs and his spine, etc. She counted his little heart chambers...all 4 of them! :)It makes me well up with tears to think how complex our bodies are and that he is ok and has everything he'll need. God has given us such a blessing to be able to take our son home and love the fire out of him. For Josh and I to be given this chance at being earthly parents is so wild to me. (A good wild). That's all we've ever wanted and God has answered that prayer and longing.I have to look back on my life in a year and what all we have gone through as a family. With Mother's Day coming up and remembering where I was last year it's just hard to believe. Last Mother's Day I hid from the world! This one I get to go to Babies R Us and register for boy items! This Mother's Day I will be celebrating the fact that I am a Mommy to a little girl and a little boy! I'd give anything to have Evangeline here with us. It would be crazy to have a baby with another one on the way but I would do it! I miss her so much. I think about her at least 10 or more times a day. I still sleep with her pink blanket every night. I'm so thankful that God chose me to be her Mommy. And that he has giving me the opportunity to have Shepard and getting to raise him in the Lord.
I want to wish all the mommies out there a very Happy Mother's Day!